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Bringing COVID, flu, and childhood vaccinations to the Houston Comunity since 2019

to Our Site!

Welcome to Vaccines4Good. Click below to learn more about our team and mission! We also regularly post blog content--not only about vaccination, but also about other public health issues at the intersections of health and society.

Upcoming Events

The following are types of events and clinics that we've hosted in the past! Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Flu Vaccinations

Our organization started out with disseminating flu vaccinations. We highly encourage everyone to have flu vaccinations by Oct. 31, especially students! Our first clinic in 2019 was for the flu, and since then, we've only expanded.


COVID-19 Vaccinations

Naturally during the pandemic, Vaccines4Good partnered with the Texas Vaccine Institute and Walgreens to bring COVID-19 vaccinations to underserved communities where access to these critical health measures was not yet available.


Childhood Vaccinations

Working with the Texas Vaccine Institute, we offer vital childhood vaccinations for youth of all ages, such as Hepatitis and Tetanus shots.

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