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Meet the Team!

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Vaccines4Good Organization Logo

Vaccines4Good was founded by Kinkaid Students in 2019 to promote our mission of expanding knowledge and access to critically important vaccinations. Currently, two student members serve to help forward Vaccines4Good’s vision.

Organizing Team

Katherine Zhang is a Senior at the Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas. She joined Vaccines4Good as a means of combining her interests in both science and society. Participating in her school’s Student Diversity Leadership Board and Sustainability Committee, Katherine has a passion for advocacy in the face of inequality and wasteful practices. She spends her free time playing with her dog, listening to NIKI’s album on repeat, and creatively writing poetry and short stories. She currently leads the organization with clinic organization and promotion through regular blog articles and hand-designed Instagram posts.

Lucas Fang is a Sophomore at the Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas. After seeing the devastation caused by the COVID pandemic, he decided to join Vaccines4Good to help prevent further spread of the disease. Lucas is an avid trumpeter and serves his local community through music. As the president of the Falcon Sound, he leads a group of students and provides musical entertainment for the senior citizens across Houston. In his free time, Lucas enjoys music, traveling, reading, and writing.



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